About us

Rivage Investment is an independent asset management company specialising in the financing of sustainable infrastructure, essential assets and public sector entities

About Rivage Investment


Rivage Investment is an independent asset management company created in 2010. It combines expertise in European infrastructure and French public sector debt financing. To achieve this, Rivage Investment brings together a multidisciplinary team of experienced professionals.

We differentiate ourselves through our agility, our integrity and our ability to structure and implement innovative financings in order to build high performing portfolios that have a positive impact, and that we manage over their lifetime.

Rivage Investment serves many of Europe’s leading institutional investors, particularly in the insurance, pension and retirement sectors. Our priority is to meet the expectations of our investors and the challenges of sustainability.

Rivage Investment is a dynamic asset management company that accompanies transformation of both infrastructure and society

Creation of Rivage Investment
Accredited as an asset management company by AMF (Autorité des Marchés Financiers – French financial market authority)
First infrastructure investment and first dedicated fund
First senior debt project financing by Rivage, on behalf of institutional investors who seek diversification, robustness and steady returns
Launch of the REDI range (senior)
First multi-investor fund launched by Rivage for senior infrastructure debt financing (REDI 1) for long-term institutional clients
First French public sector fund
New business line, financing French local authorities and public entities. Fund dedicated to an investor seeking to diversify its exposure to sovereign debt
Direct lending
Rivage is the first asset management company approved by the AMF to lend directly
Launch of REDI HR range
Providing unitranche or subordinated financing. This new fund offers a higher yield and shorter maturities than senior infrastructure funds
Launch of REPUBLIC range
First multi-investor fund dedicated to the financing of French local authorities and public entities.
REDI3 closes at its hard cap before the end of its subscription period
First fund managed by Rivage to reach €1 billion in assets under management
Launch of HOPE
Faced with the huge needs of the healthcare sector in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, launch of a multi-investor fund to finance French public hospitals
REDI HR strategy exceeds €1 billion
REDI HR2 ends its fundraising at €745 million. The high yield strategy brings together investors from several continents and sectors (insurance, pension funds, corporate, sovereign wealth funds, asset holding companies, banks, etc.)
First Article 9 fund
After having financed €1.5bn+ of renewable energy projects in 8 European countries, launch of a fund with the objective of financing low-carbon impact infrastructure on behalf of a major Dutch insurer
Second Article 9 fund
focused on senior investment grade infrastructure debt financing

Core values and principles to serve the interests of our clients

Common aim
An entrepreneurial management company in which the majority of employees are shareholders and which demonstrates its alignment of interests with its investors. We are constantly recruiting young talent, encouraging the sharing of knowledge and thus building a sustainable company.
Additional expertise
Rivage's employees come from a variety of backgrounds. They pool their expertise to provide our investor and borrower partners with made-to-measure solutions that are adapted to their needs. Our funds' performance, risk management and the environmental and social contribution of our investments can only be achieved through the commitment and excellence of Rivage's teams.
ESG ambition
Aware of the major contribution of infrastructure in the effort to address global warming, we have developed a range of funds classified as Article 8 or 9 SFDR. Today, we are even more committed and manage impact funds, which finance the energy transition and sustainable infrastructures of tomorrow.

Our team includes passionate experts from a variety of backgrounds, who have different professional experiences and educational backgrounds

We support social, health, education and cultural ventures